Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fit Friday: Cafeteria cams measure kids' calories

Kids often toss the apple from their lunch trays and dive straight into the cookies. But, now cafeteria cameras can track what they’re really eating. Health officials are using a $2 million federal grant to install cameras that will track eating habits at five San Antonio, Texas elementary schools.  The camera program will analyze the food on the trays for kids whose parents give permission. Parents can get reports about what their kids ate in school. The cameras will record what the students put on their lunch tray.  A computer program analyzes the food to calculate the amount of food and calories.  Then it will also take an image of the students’ trays when they are done – this will enable calculation of the nutrition that the children consumed. I think it seems a little unfair to the kid's privacy and their choice of food. I don't think they would want their parents telling them what to eat at school because it takes away their freedom. On the other hand, it is also benificial to stopping diabetes and over weight in America. Overall, I say this camera method should be allowed even if it seems ridiculous. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos

A conservative legal watchdog group has filed the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead. A conservative legal watchdog group has filed the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead. "The American people have a right to know, by law, basic information about the killing of Osama bin Laden," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. Obama had barred any public release of photos or video, telling CBS News, "It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool." He added, "We don't trot this stuff out as trophies. We don't need to spike the football." I think both sides make a good point. Like Trevor said in class, it's like "cheating". But even if the pictures are released, would it change anything? Except for the fact that it might cause more issues as adressed by the president Barrack Obama.

Mears, Bill. "Conservative Group Sues over Bin Laden Death Photos -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 14 May

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

U.S. was prepared to fight Pakistani forces

The two U.S. officials also told CNN about the plan if bin Laden had been captured alive, which included taking him to Afghanistan and then out to the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea. All of the senior U.S. officials in the White House Situation Room during the assault were prepared to call their Pakistani counterparts if fighting between U.S. and Pakistani forces appeared imminent, one of the officials told CNN. The SEALs at all times retained the right of self-defense, and they could have fired at the Pakistanis to defend themselves. As the assault on bin Laden's compound commenced, the United States had a number of aircraft flying protective missions. None of the aircraft entered Pakistani airspace, but they were prepared to do so if needed. These included fixed wing fighter jets that would have provided firepower if the team came under opposition fire it could not handle. Additionally, the Air Force had a full team of combat search and rescue helicopters including MH-53 Pave Low and HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters flying. The plan was for bin Laden to be flown back to Afghanistan aboard U.S. military helicopters and then flown out to the USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea. There was a team of lawyers, medical personnel, interrogators and translators standing by to deal with bin Laden if that was the scenario that unfolded. A major concern was to immediately "preserve evidence" and put bin Laden into a legal framework that would ensure he could be charged and tried some day, the official said. "We didn't want to have some case thrown out on a technicality."

Starr, Barbara. "U.S. Was Prepared to Fight Pakistani Forces, Officials Say -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 11 May 2011. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Source: U.S. needs permission to interview bin Laden wives

Pakistan will allow the United States to question or take into custody the apparent wives of Osama bin Laden only if their "country of origin has been asked for permission," a senior Pakistani intelligence source told CNN on Monday. The 29-year-old Yemeni wife, Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, was wounded during the raid. The U.S. official identified the other two women as Khairiah Sabar, also known as "Umm Hamza," and Siham Sabar, or "Umm Khalid." The official identified the other men killed in the raid as bin Laden's son Khalid; two couriers, known around the town of Abbottabad by the aliases Arshad Khan and Tariq Khan. The official would not provide their real names. Bin Laden was found in a compound in Abbottabad, a city with a heavy military presence about 50 km (31 miles) from Islamabad. That has led several U.S. officials to question whether some within the Pakistani government or military helped shield bin Laden or failed to look for him. In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday night, Obama said, "We think that there had to be some sort of support network for bin Laden inside of Pakistan. But we don't know who or what that support network was." The president said U.S. officials "don't know whether there might have been some people inside of government (or) people outside of government, and that's something that we have to investigate.""More importantly," he added, "the Pakistani government has to investigate."

 "Source: U.S. Needs Permission to Interview Bin Laden Wives -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 09 May 2011.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Obama says bin Laden had 'support network' in Pakistan

 President Barack Obama says Osama bin Laden had a group of supporters within Pakistan helping to keep the al Qaeda leader secure for years. Top U.S. officials insist Pakistan remains a critical U.S. ally in the fight against terrorism, but are demanding answers to troubling about questions bin Laden's presence in that country over the course of the last six years. Pakistani authorities have "indicated they have a profound interest in finding out what kinds of support networks bin Laden might have had," Obama noted. "But these are questions that we're not going to be able to answer" immediately after the raid on bin Laden's compound.
Pakistani leaders insist they didn't take part in either the establishment or the maintenance of bin Laden's safe haven, and have promised a full examination of the circumstances that allowed him spend years in Abbottabad, a city with a heavy military presence located a mere 30 miles north of the country's capital.
But if evidence is discovered that is "highly disturbing, we'll certainly press that," he said. Donilon's comments came amid calls in Congress and elsewhere to cut U.S. financial assistance in Pakistan, which currently receives roughly $1.5 billion in annual aid.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The killing of bin Laden: Was it legal?

Argument saying that it’s legal of killing Bin Laden was that the head of al Qaeda, an organization that had conducted the attacks of September the 11th," Holder said. "It's lawful to target an enemy commander in the field." "there is simply no question that this operation was lawful. ... (Bin Laden) had continued to plot attacks against the United States." Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama had all issued orders to kill or capture the al Qaeda leader. Arguments against it were "Obviously, under the rules of engagement, if he had in fact thrown up his hands, surrendered, and didn't appear to be representing any kind of threat, then they were to capture him. But they had full authority to kill him." "If a person has his hands in the air, you're not supposed to kill him," said Steven Groves, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. U.S. officials have revised their account of the assault on the compound in Pakistan. Bin Laden was not armed during the 40-minute raid, they now say, but he put up resistance to U.S. forces.

Silverleib, Alan. "The Killing of Bin Laden: Was It Legal? -" International - Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News. Web. 05 May 2011. <>.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Official: 5 troops killed in Afghanistan bombing are all Americans

Five troops killed in a suicide bombing this weekend at a military base in eastern Afghanistan were members of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, a senior U.S. military official said Sunday.
Earlier, authorities had said only that five members of NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, which includes troops from the United States and other nations, were killed in the Saturday incident.
The families of all five have been notified of the deaths, and a formal announcement from the Army is forthcoming, said the official, who declined to be identified pending the announcement.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Is the U.S. safer today than before the 9/11 attacks?

Much talk about Osama Bin ladins death causing more harm to America than before 9/11. Over a billion dollars spent in Afghanistan and Iraq. Also on passenger security for travelers. New threats are created as argued by Thomas Kein. Others say that it's the right movement on America's part but we should always be on alert of any danger. There has been several attempts of bombing after 9/11. Like a year ago in Time Square. There has been also successful attacks upon America such as the  Nov. 2009 shooting in  Ford Hood. Since 9/11 and his death America's security and intelligence capablility are much stronger since. Is America still at war? yes, but it is a a huge stepping stone in doing so. Will there still be threats? Aboutely. I would say that we are not safe because this will give a reason for the al Qaeda to be more agressive, even with more security.

Hayes, Ashley. "Is the U.S. Safer Today than before the 9/11 Attacks? -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 03 May 2011. <>.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead, Obama says

The leader of the 9/11 attack, Osama Bin Laden is dead today. He was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital with other family members. Obama said this is one of the most significant events in defeating the Al Qeada. Fear is brought up to American citizen though, maybe due to another terrorist attack. 9/11 families are relieved that the head leader of such evil is gone. Obama made clear that we are not at war with Islam though. I think this is one of those significant events that may cause another huge chain reaction. Sure we are celebrating now but this could turn out worse. They may want revenge upon the U.S.

"U.S. Forces Kill Elusive Terror Figure Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 02 May 2011. <>

Reflection On Immigration Reform

Immigration is obviously a problem that America struggle with. We need a solution and even though we didn't come up with a solution, I got a better understanding of the problem. Lots of people gave good points during the discussion and everyone contributed. I liked Alex idea of trying to solve immigration. He said instead of trying to fix it in America, we should tackle it in the actual country. I thought that was an interesting point. I also think that everyone agreed that the Dream Act should be passed because it's a good bill allowing educated immigrants to obtain citizenship. I think we need to establish a mean of allowing certain immigrants and making overs leave. We do need immigrants but certain ones. We should make a system of picking out who we want in America. But overall, like you said Palo, we can argue about this topic but in the end, not everyone will be satisfied.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Obama appears to rule out acting on his own on immigration

President Barrack Obama argues to make changes to grant citizenship to children immigrates. For example, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Illinois, a leading supporter of immigration reform, told a March 31 news conference that Obama "has a number of avenues available to him under existing law with which he can instruct the U.S. government to prioritize the deportation of criminals and threats to our community and provide relief in pursuing the deportation of the vast majority of immigrants who are assets to our communities." They are blaming Obama for deporting Immigrants back to there country. Personally I think that Obama is trying to grant citizenship to younger immigrants through the Dream Act. 

Cohen, Tom. "Obama Appears to Rule out Acting on His Own on Immigration -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 01 May 2011. <>

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poker players protest government seizure

So I chose this article because I have an interest in poker. This guy named Shaun is an online poker player that is trying to get people to get involved in government issue. Such as health care concerns for himself. Now he is everywhere, on facebook, president Obama townhall and youtube. Justice Department cancelled three major online poker sites and argues that it should be a freedom to play online. This Shaun Poland guy is online 60hours to 70hours a week. He makes web designs for poker. "Just because it's not important to many people, doesn't mean it's not important to some, and not extremely important as a matter of principle," says Charles Nesson. But there's no federal law that bans people from playing online poker. And while the Justice Department takes the view that Internet gambling is illegal, no court has settled the question of what is illegal and what is not. He sometimes win real money online. I think the government should allow gambling.

Lewis, By  Libby. "Poker Players Protest Government Seizure -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 28 Apr. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gamers fuming over PlayStation hack

So I chose this article because my friend wanted to come over to play on my playstation 3, but I told him no because I would much rather do Mr. Palo's homework and blog. I also explained to him that right now even if he wanted to play online, it is not possible because the playstation network is down. They have shut down the online system for seven days because of a hacker. They are afraid that the hackers will steal credit card information. The playstation network says it might take another week for the it to be back online. That is why I much rather blog then play games. Nobody would ever hack a blog, and I'm glad the Ps3 system is down because personally I think xbox 360 is better.

Sutter, John D. "Gamers Fuming over PlayStation Hack -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.

Monday, April 25, 2011

More than 40 dead in protests as violence erupts across Syria

On friday, 43 people died in Syria due to confrontation between an demostrators calling for political change and the government. About a thousand Syrian protesters marched after Muslim's weekly prayers in display. Human rights group had a different perspective on the situation stating that the kidnapping and injuring people. This act of violence prompt international condemnation saying Syrian people should have the rights to a peaceful protest. I chose this article because I want to relate it to the term amnesty which I learned today in class. Will this happen in America if we allow all immigrants to be legal? Will Americans hate the fact that we are going to go against our own constitution and corrupt American culture? If there was protesting due to the amnesty becoming reality, will our government act in the same violent ways? Or maybe the citizens of America would never allow amnesty and start be violent towards the former immigrants. I think the amnesty card is way to risky to play and that we don't know if the result will have a bigger negative or positive impact. But I think what had happen in Syria is possible to happen in America if the amnesty did come into truth.

"More than 40 Dead in Protests as Violence Erupts across Syria -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 26 Apr. 2011. <>.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Obama holds White House meeting on immigration reform

On tuesday several people met with Barrack Obama to discuss about immigration reform. The presidents told members that he is committed to finding a solution to the stregthen security at the borders while restoring the broken immgration system. As of now the democratic are controlling the white house so Obama has power to make changes. Before his bills were denied such as the Dream Act. It would offer citizenship to illegal children under the age of 16, who lived in America for at least 5 years. There is other requirement such as graduating high school or obtaining a general education development diploma. Even so, only six year conditional status is rewarded then the next phase is attending college or serving in the military for at least two years. Opposing arguements towards this bill is that it would signal to the world that the U.S. is not serious about enforcing its law or its borders. Personally, I think the Dream Act is a brilliant idea and there should be no shame put on America for allowing educated immigrants to be a part of U.S. America is only as good as the people that live here. I rather have a bunch of educated hard working immigrants in America than lazy non working Americans.

"Obama Holds White House Meeting on Immigration Reform -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. <>.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

immigration debate

So this basic cartoon of the indians and pilgrims show that we are once immigrates. But it's ironic because the   indians to me represent the modern America today. We as a nation today is struggling with immigration and are trying to fight it like the indians. Should we allow immigration to happen? or should we make tons of laws to keep them out? In the video, the indians began making laws and a protest happened from the pilgrims. Same can be said in our situation. In the end the eagles from the video said that the pilgrims left England to find a better life and that the indians should welcome them. It said that both lived happily ever after, but I would disagree because from history shows that the pilgrims eventually over raided the indians and made them move. Not saying the same would happen if we allow immigrants today to come in but it's a possibility. We as a nation should stand together because America is becoming a bilingual country and that not okay. English should be the most spoken language in America and it only makes sense. I say allow immigrates but never lose our American culture.

"YouTube - The Immigration Debate: SuperNews!" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. <>

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rapper The Game denied entry to Canada on alleged gang ties

“The Game" an American rapper was denied entry to Canada going on a tour to "red nation" because they claim it's because he is associated with gang ties. Canadians tried to prove that he part of the bloods. Canadian customs declined him entry into Canada,” his reps explain, clarifying that “past criminal history of The Game was never addressed in conversation with Canadian officials and at no point was that the issue for his denied entry.” Canadian judge will At that point the judge will decide to either deport me or give me a sentence for violating Canada's immigrant entry laws. I think this is ridiculous that they do not trust a well known American celebrity. It’s not he is coming over to hurt anyone, he is a performer. Immigration law is Canada is strict compared to America. But seeing how America is made out of immigrants, certainly we live in a culturally diverse country and personally I think, is better. Canada should be glad that he is performing in their country, but instead is giving him a hard time like making him fly all the way from LA to be denied and detained.

"Rapper The Game Denied Entry to Canada on Alleged Gang Ties – The Marquee Blog - Blogs." The Marquee Blog Watch Showbiz Tonight Live at 5pm ET and 11pm ET/PT on HLN - Blogs. Web. 22 Apr. 2011. <>.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mexican mass grave yields 26 bodies

In the Mexican north-central state of Durango have confirmed the discovery of 26 bodies in a mass grave. The bodies were found in a lot apparently belonging to an auto shop located in the residential area known as "Las Fuentes." Martin Omar Estrada Luna, an alleged drug kingpin nicknamed "El Kilo" was captured last Saturday in connection with the mass graves. According to officials, Estrada is a presumed leader of Los Zetas. The Mexican drug cartel has operated for years in the area of San Fernando. Another 72 bodies were found in San Fernando last August. They were identified as the remains Central and South American immigrants on their way to the United States. This is another reason we should not allow immigrants to come to America. Or at the least not the criminals from Mexico. I think we do need immigrants and that they are benificial to America but not drug dealers. This is probably why Americans are afraid of having immigrants in the U.S. because of stories like this. 

Romo, Rafael. "Mexican Mass Grave Yields 26 Bodies -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. <>.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Georgia governor to sign law targeting illegal immigration

On thursday night, Gerogia's legislature passed the tough law. This says that police has the rights to ask about immigration status when questioning suspects in certain criminal investigations. It punishes people who transport illegal immigrants during the commission of a crime and imposes hefty prison sentences on those who use fake documents to get jobs. Opponents argued that the bill could encourage racial profiling and discrimination. Republican state Rep. Matt Ramsey, declared, "We have done the job that we were sent to do." I think that this bill does go a little beyond the privacy of citizenship but it's for a good cause. I'm still confused of how a immigrate would look like though, do law inforcement judge by your race? People are going to be offended, but this is a solution to stopping immigrants so I say they made a right choice of passing it.

Valdes, Gustavo. "Georgia Governor to Sign Law Targeting Illegal Immigration -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 17 Apr. 2011. <>.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Iraqi immigrant gets 34 years for killing 'too Westernized' daughter

  An Arizona judge sentenced an Iraqi immigrant on to more than 34 years in prison. His crime was running over his 20-year-old daughter because he claimed she'd become "too Westernized." The family moved to the Phoenix area in the mid-1990s, and Almaleki was unhappy with his daughter's style of dress and her resistance to his rules, according to police. Almaleki made no effort to stop before she and Noor Almaleki were struck. After the incident, Almaleki drove to Mexico, abandoning his vehicle in Nogales, police said. To me this is an action of cowardness and self pity. He needs to open his mind that if he lives in America, his daughter has a high chance of becoming westernized. I can understand that he wants her to obey traditions but killing your own daughter goes beyond the cause. He deserves more than 34 years because he tried to run away from his crime. I know not all immigrants are like this but if your coming to America and living here, you should at least appricate the culture. If he didn't want her daughter to become American, then why come live in a nation you hate.

"Iraqi Immigrant Gets 34 Years for Killing 'too Westernized' Daughter -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 17 Apr. 2011.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Police chief's son gets six years in fatal hit-and-run

 A Chinese man who killed a college student while driving drunk and then tried to use his father's name as a police official to escape punishment was sentenced to six years' in jail on Sunday. According to witnesses, he shouted at authorities: "Sue me if you dare! My father is Li Gang!" On the enternet many bloggers say that he derserves worse. I agree with the general people's opinion because this guy thinks that he can get away from being punished for using his father's name in vain. I chose this because this week, the school was stressing how drunk driving is 100% avoidable if we make the right choices. I guess the moral to this is, life is precious and should be cherished. 

Kent, Jo Ling. "Police Chief's Son Gets Six Years in Fatal Hit-and-run -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 14 Apr. 2011.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mexico finds more bodies in mass graves, blames the Zetas

Mexican authority has found 116 bodies in the northern border state of Tamaulipas. 17 suspects have been detained in connection with the killings, which were likely the responsibility of the Zetas drug cartel. They suspect that the victims are kidnapped from buses, which led them to San Fernando, Tamaulipas. Tamaulipas is one of Mexico's most active states when it comes to drug trafficking. Nationwide, the Mexican government says there have been some 35,000 drug-related deaths since President Felipe Calderon began a crackdown on the cartels in December 2006. Connecting this to the issue of immigration, that if we do allow immigration to continue, we bring harm such as this into America.

Monday, April 11, 2011

U.S. appeals court OKs decision blocking Arizona immigration law

 There is a controversial issue dealing with immigration when Jan Brewer, who signed the measure known as SB 1070 into law last year. This legislation would have required local law enforcement in Arizona to apprehend and help deport illegal immigrants. The Obama administration sued, arguing that only the federal government has that authority. Now local police officers should check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws. "For decades, the federal government has neglected its constitutional duty to American citizens by failing to secure the border," said Brewer. I think that there should be more inforced law on immigration because it is affecting Americans that are paying taxes.

"U.S. Appeals Court OKs Decision Blocking Arizona Immigration Law -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 11 Apr. 2011.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7 arrested after blocking traffic to raise immigration awareness

Seven students were arrested today because they did a sit-in on the Atlanta intersection to raise awareness of immigration. The seven were arrested near Georgia State University. They were protesting for the right's guareenteed by the Dream Act, which says kids who were immigrants here at an young age, has an opportunity to earn citizenship despite their family's immigration status. The Dream Act was denied though in
December 2010. Georgia's public colleges have adopted policies that officials say will prevent illegal immigrants from attending five high-demand schools and from being admitted ahead of legally and academically qualified residents at the rest of the state's public institutions of higher learning. According to recent census data, Hspanics now account for nearly one-quarter of children under the age of 18. I find that fact as a real eye opener of how America has become due to immigration. A fourth is a huge percentage in population. I think that the students should be allowed to protest as long as they don't harm anyone doing it.

Romo, Rafael. "7 Arrested after Blocking Traffic to Raise Immigration Awareness -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 05 Apr. 2011.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Japan dumps thousands of tons of radioactive water into sea

Japan dumped radioactive water into pacific ocean on monday. 11,500 tons of radioactive water that has collected at the nuclear facility will be dumped into the sea. The dumping of so much radioactive water into the ocean conjures up fears of mutated sea life and contamination of the human food chain, but experts said the radiation will be quickly diluted, minimizing risk. It's a considerable amount of water, but the immensity of the Pacific Ocean will quickly dilute this amount of water to harmless levels.

"Japan Dumps Thousands of Tons of Radioactive Water into Sea -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 04 Apr. 2011.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Buzzer Beater - Basketball Celebration Fail

This is a youtube video of two college basketball team playing and one of the team made a buzzer shot with a second left in the fourth quarter and began celebrating too early. Apperently, while the team and the crowd was celebrating, the opposite team checked the ball in quickly and made a half court shot. So the opposing team won instead. I chose this video because I thought it was hilarious and one of the most ridiculious things I have seen.

 "YouTube - Buzzer Beater - Basketball Celebration Fail." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 03 Apr. 2011.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Teen Kills boyfriend: No Jail time

A girl murders her boyfriend apperently from a car accident. she ran over her boyfriend and recieved 10 years deffer sentence for first degree murder. She will not be going to jail because the boyfriends father forgives her and lessen the ease on the girl's punishment. She will not serve jail time if she does good for the next 10 years. It was claimed as an accident.

"Video - Breaking News Videos from" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 02 Apr. 2011.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

43 bodies recovered after Pakistan mine explosion

Rescuers have found 43 bodies in a southwest Pakistan mine that collapsed after a methane gas explosion.
It occured in city of Quetta and rescuers are having a hard time determining the exact total of people who were in the mine.

"43 Bodies Recovered after Pakistan Mine Explosion -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend full moon the biggest in about 20 years

This weekend the moon should look a lot bigger and brighter than usual. Today the moon will look the biggest in 20 years. "The last full moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993," said Geoff Chester.

 Payne, Ed. "Weekend Full Moon the Biggest in about 20 Years -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 19 Mar.

Friday, March 18, 2011

West Coast officials, Obama: Don't worry about radiation risk in U.S.

People in California should not be worrying about radiation, but instead about earthquake drills. Only small nonharmful amount of nuclear radiation from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may be discover. There has been no detection of elevated levels of radiation on the West Coast, and experts say there is no way to predict how long it would take for radiation drifts to cross the Pacific.

 Landau, Elizabeth. "West Coast Officials, Obama: Don't Worry about Radiation Risk in U.S. -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 19 Mar. 2011.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rising food prices could drive up rates of hunger

This week, the U.S. Labor Department announced that raw import grain prices rose 1.4% this past February. That makes an 8.5% increase over the past twelve months. Keystone food commodities like corn, soybeans and wheat have already increased 149% this past decade. FRAC advocates for federal funding of food programs as a way of solving hunger. "If you look at other wealthy societies, mostly European, but also some Asian, they have a vastly different hunger problem than we do," Weill says. "Fewer people in those countries go hungry. The sharing of economic growth and the sharing of affluence lifts a lot of people out of poverty and hunger." I think you makes a very good point of how this nation is wealthy and is capable of feeding everyone but does not know how to distrubute the food or share it with others.

Sepulvado, John. "Rising Food Prices Could Drive up Rates of Hunger -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Californian hold quake memorial service

A memorial to all the dead that has past away in Japan. The  center peice of the service was the lighting of candle sticks smybolizing the lives lost. This was Japan's worst recording in history. This tragic event taught that we should live our life to the fullest cause we don't know what to expect.

"Video - Breaking News Videos from" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Massive 8.9-magnitude quake hits Japan

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit Japan early Friday, triggering tsunami warnings and sending people fleeing out of buildings in the capital. Its epicenter was 373 kilometers (231 miles) from Tokyo. It triggered tsunami warnings for various countries, including Japan and Russia. Earthquakes of this size are known to generate tsunamis potentially dangerous to coasts outside the source region.

"Massive 8.9-magnitude Quake Hits Japan -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 11 Mar. 2011.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oil industry reassured on Middle East stability

An American diplomat said some reassuring words to the oil industry on Weds. Conflicts in Libya and Egypt may be in a turbulent for some time but the major oil producing countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq will likely stay stable. Problems in the Middle East have scared oil traders, causing the price of U.S. natural substance up over 10% in the last month. The biggest fear is that the problems in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and elsewhere will spread to the big oil producing nations in the Gulf. Even so, neither Egypt nor Syria export major amounts of oil. Most of the other major oil producing counties in the region, which accounts for over a third of the world's oil 86 million-barrel-a-day oil supply, will remain relatively stable. The major oil companies should be okay as long as their leaders continue to make concessions to a population calling greater transparency, more democracy, and faster economic growth.
Hargreaves, Steve. "Oil Industry Told Middle East Violence Shouldn't Spread - Mar. 9, 2011." Business, Financial, Personal Finance News - 09 Mar. 2011. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rape suspect claims 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' personality

Aaron Thomas aka "East Coast Rapist" was arrested on Monday as he walked near his home in New Haven, Connecticut. A judge ordered him held on $1.5 million bond in a 2007 sex assault case in New Haven. He is linked to sexual assaults on 17 women in Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut and Rhode Island between 1997 and 2009, according to police. DNA from the cigarette linked him to the assaults, according to police. He claimed in court that he has a personality like 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' when it came to women. On Saturday, Thomas tried to hang himself in his cell, according to police. This man is mentally disturbed and I believe he needs some serious help but should still be punished equally as his crime.

"Rape Suspect Claims 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' Personality -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 07 Mar. 2011.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Road trip to the end of the world

Sheila Jonas and nine other are on a mission to warn people of the end of the world. They travel state to state tell people that May 21, 2011 the world is coming to an end based on there religious beliefs. They claim when that day comes, a huge earthquake will occur and those who are good will be saved by Jesus. They walked away from families, jobs, left their belongings, and homes. They view themselves as
chosen by God to spread the news few understand. They liken themselves to biblical figures, including Jonah, who God commanded to warn the people of Nineveh of their city's destruction.

Ravitz, Jessica. "Road Trip to the End of the World -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 06 Mar. 2011.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pay up! The city wants its cut

City and state government are finding ways to earning extra revenue. They want to put a 5% tax on marijuana, upgrade your jail stay for a fee, they want to tax people having fun called caberet tax, charge for going green and not buying gas,  charge little league players $30 each for playing sports on city property, taxing beauty service, and put a tax on "purse" of a horse race.

Censky, Annalyn. "Pay Up! The City Wants Its Cut - A Tax on Medical Marijuana (1) -" Business, Financial, Personal Finance News - Web. 03 Mar. 2011.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Anti-gay church's right to protest at military funerals is upheld

A Kansas church began anti-gay protest at U.S. funerals and won in the supreme courts putting freedom of speech to the test. The church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believes God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths.
Albert Snyder, Matthew's father, said his son was not gay and the protesters should not have been at the funeral.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lawyers try to block release of autopsies in Arizona shooting

The media has requested to show the autopsies of the victims in the arizona shooting but lawyers say that it might spawn prejudicial depictions of the decedents' manner of death in the press.
They argued that releasing statements or the autopsy reports to the media could hamper the court's ability to have a fair trial.

Mungin, Lateef. "Lawyers Try to Block Release of Autopsies in Arizona Shooting Spree -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 01 Mar. 2011.

Monday, February 28, 2011

At least 16 killed in Brazilian pre-Carnival party

On a sunday night in Bandeira several died because of power line burst over a party truck, electrocuting many. They it may be caused by people throwing coiled party ribbon into the air. The ribbon may have had a metallic element to it, officials said. Sixteen people were declared dead at the scene, and those injured were transported to hospitals in critical condition. I just find this ironic because they probably came to the festival with the intention to have fun and live their life but died while enjoying it.

"At Least 16 Killed in Brazilian Pre-Carnival Party -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 28 Feb. 2011.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deaths of baby dolphins worry scientists

 Baby bottlenose dolphins are washing up dead in record numbers on the shores of Alabama and Mississippi, alarming scientists and a federal agency charged with monitoring the health of the Gulf of Mexico. Scientist have yet to discovered the reason why they are dying but they are saying it might be from algal bloom or change in water temperature.

Kuo, Vivian. "Deaths of Baby Dolphins Worry Scientists -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 25 Feb.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Obama condemns Libyan violence, calls for international response

On wednesday night Barrack Obama said that the violence in Libya must stop. Obama is saying that the government of Libya must be hold accountable. He wants the government to protect the innocent citizen there and his first priority is American citizens. "This is now the moment for the international community to act together," Clinton said.

My reflection to this is that these kind of events help me realize that America is a great country because we have much freedom compared to others.

Levine, Adam. "Obama Condemns Libyan Violence, Calls for International Response -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 23 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Class Discussion about Ground Zero

I thought the class discussion went well. Many good points were brought up that helped me get a different perspective on the situation. At first I was more against it because of the fact of why that location? But toward the end I chose to be in the middle. I think that people have to be really open minded about these type of issues. For instance, if it was built then there is bound to be some sort of problem but if we didn't allow them then America would not be America. You could play the "what if" game all day that's why I changed my mind to being in the middle. I think it was Alex who brought up a good point about how there was a mosque built near the twin towers before 9/11 happened and is still there, but no one cares about that one. I think it's just the fact of building the mosque after the event is like a slap to many Americans. Many American's are agianst it, even muslim people don't favor it but now I say, just let them build it if they want. They have freedom of religion and America is all about freedom. The media made a big deal out of it so that's why people are so parnoid. Even though I disagree with building it, I say go ahead because if we don't let them build it, then in a way the real terrorist would have won.

Friday, February 11, 2011

State Of The Union Project

1. Fair - be fair every time don’t cheat.
2. Change – I want a change that will help me to have a better life in the future
3. Success –I want to be successful in life and have a wonderful family
4. Financial - I wish I can buy anything for my family to get that, I need to work hard
5. President - give them a chance, and trust them
6. Trust - trust yourself and trust the people around you
7. Respect - respect everyone if you want them to respect you

8. Children - they will be the next generation
9. Progress-key to be successful
10. Money - I will need money everywhere I go
11. Future - I wish there will be a better future and better opportunity for me.
12. Love - PEACE

13. Job: I really need a job and I hope Obama's plans will help my generation get jobs easier.
14. College - This is very important to me because I will be a college student in the Fall of 2011 and I don't have much money to spend on my tuition.

15. Pray - I need to pray and believe and have faith in God
16. Health - wish to have a good health
17. Earth - Needs to save the earth

18. Seniors – HEALTHCARE
19. Hard work - I need to work hard till I get what I want

20. Family - who always there for me

21. Technology - helps me do things easier.

22. Power - I will have this in the future.
Students - needs to do their thing, be on time and do their work.
23. Race - no more to racism

24. Iraq - stop the war
25. Affordable - The President said the healthcare will be affordable.

26. Insurance - I will need this for the rest of my life but i wish they will be fair to us

27. Health Care - I will need this in the future and will help my family)Positive - think positive and keep your head teacher - second parents.

28. Relationship - someone who’s going to be there for you
29. Responsibility - is to be a better person and better son and brother

30. Beliefs - that there’s a miracle
31. America - where I live and want to live

32. Goal - is to finish high school get my diplomat and go to college

33. God - is my savior
34. Hopeful –I need to trust our government

35. Faith - I need to have faith and keep my head up
36. Kids - they will be the next generation.
37. Troops - PRAY FOR THEM

38. Peace - PEACE
39. Years - Obama uses the word years many times in his speech. This tells me that we won't start seeing progress for over a year.

40. Solution: It is hard to believe that we will ever have a bipartisan solution for anything, but we need to. No one ever agrees on anything, especially this generation.

41. Learning - I need to learn everything and have enough ideas about life
42. Economy - Wish everything will be alright

43. Freedom - people needs their freedom
44. Moral - I have to have a good moral so people around me will show respect to me.
45. Ready - Be ready to anything could happen

46. Difficult - life is difficult
47. Education - will help me to reach my goal

48. Technology- American life style.
49. Entrepreneurs- Ideas
50. Immigration- Is what America’s foundation is based on.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday could be a pivotal day in Egyptian drama

(The protesters appeared content to wave flags and chant a safe distance from the soldiers and their barbed wire. As the night dragged toward its eventual end, the numbers dwindled.
Other protesters remained in the square, where they showed their defiance by simply lying down on the streets and sidewalks under blankets for a massive "sleep in." Many of the protesters said they were overnighting in the square for the first time, despite Suleiman's call for them to return to their homes)

The egyptian president wants to change five of the constitutional articles. Protestors were angered and began protesting.

"Friday Could Be a Pivotal Day in Egyptian Drama -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Napolitano: terror threat may be highest since 9/11

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told members of Congress that America has never been in more risk of a terrorist attack since 9/11. There is increase of recruiting westerner to terrorist orginizations.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby clings to life after being abandoned in S.C. arena toilet

A baby boy is clinging to life at a South Carolina hospital, three days after being abandoned in an arena toilet after a circus show. Cops look at cameras to identify who the mother was but no luck. It will be hard to figure out who baby it is because 50,000 plus attended the event. Also that the mother gave birth to the child in the bathroom and left him there.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Student killed in shooting near Ohio university

A senior at Ohio's Youngstown State University was killed and 11 others, including six students, were wounded in an off-campus shooting early Sunday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Democracy Can Work in the Middle East,8599,2045888,00.html?cnn=yes

U.S. Diplomat, Frank Wisner met with Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday, Feb. 1 to dicuss about middle east peace. Then the American might gently raise the issue of political reform. Obama pressed the Egyptian leader to refrain from any violent response to the hundreds of thousands in the streets. Whatever happens in the next few days will not change the central narrative of Egypt's revolution. Historians will note that Jan. 25 marked the start of the end of Mubarak's 30-year reign. And now we'll test the theory that politicians and scholars have long debated. Will a more democratic Egypt become a radical Islamic state? Can democracy work in the Arab world?
I believe anything is possible but it will take time for the government to change in Egypt. It will not happen instantly. I don't see how democracy won't work in Egypt. It gives more freedom to the people.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Illegal immigrant population levels off, study says

From 2007 the population for immigrants were 12 million and has dropped ever simce. In 2009, the population dropped to 11.1 million. Recently the numbers has not been changing though. I found this interesting that it said "The study also estimates that in 2010, there were 350,000 children born in the United States to at least one parent who was in the country illegally."

Reflection On Discussion

When health care was discussed in class last week, it gave me a much better perspective or an idea of how huge this issue really is. Many people who spoke gave very good points and views. I found it interesting that even prisoners even have coverage. Also, I found it interesting when Jack said that America spends more money keeping prisoners in jail than they do on education. I like how the class was discussing about how to find solutions on solving America’s debt. Such as, how our money is wasted on professional sports yearly. Or how hard earned money from working U.S, citizens are used for health care for nonworking Americans. It’s unfair and I say those lazy people don’t deserve health care. Juan also brought up a good point that why are spending so much money on warfare in the Middle East. Then, someone else said that celebrities should pay more on taxes because of their wealth. But that brings up issues such as self profit motive and how democracy works. Mark Arnold, brought up a good question of how is health care being resolved is going to create job oppurtunies? Overall, I thought it was a very good discussion, and I learned much about health care and what issues revolve around it. I also got good view points from my peers.

Tommy To
period 4

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pakistani mother enrolls in first grade

A 25 years old mother attends elementary school in Pakistan. The woman named Batool never went to school and wanted to learn with her children. The teacher enocouraged her to stay and learn. She hopes that by doing this, pakistan's government will invest more in women's education.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cops eye 2 more deaths in `Grim Sleeper' case

Police on Thursday were investigating two additional homicides that could be tied to Lonnie Franklin Jr., a mechanic who already has been charged with killing 10 women from 1985 to 1988 and from 2002 to 2007.
He got the name "grim sleeper" because of 14 year period between each murder.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obama in Wisconsin to push job creation,0,319641.story

Obama visits Washington to give a speech about the new medical care law. He said he will not allow insurance company to deny someone coverage due to preexisting conditions. He also got a green bay jersey at the green energy company. He hopes to create jobs by over spending cut packs.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blind Man Builds car,shed

A man has lost his eye sight due to a car accident, but yets defines the word impossible by building a shed for his friend, and building a camaro. He hopes his stories inspires others to do the impossible.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lakers Honored By Obama In Washington

In Washington the Los Angeles Lakers were honored by President Barack Obama at the Boys and Girls Club for winning their second consecutive NBA championship. Lakers presented Obama with a personalized No. 1 jersey with his last name on the back in January when the Lakers visited the White House to be honored for winning the 2008-2009 NBA championship.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

House votes to repeal year-old health care law

Ruplicans persuaded legislation to repeal the nation's year old health care. This includes eliminating people to purchase coverage, change some of the Democrats Medicare Advantage and the choices to the traditional government programs health care program for seniors.