Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reflection On Discussion

When health care was discussed in class last week, it gave me a much better perspective or an idea of how huge this issue really is. Many people who spoke gave very good points and views. I found it interesting that even prisoners even have coverage. Also, I found it interesting when Jack said that America spends more money keeping prisoners in jail than they do on education. I like how the class was discussing about how to find solutions on solving America’s debt. Such as, how our money is wasted on professional sports yearly. Or how hard earned money from working U.S, citizens are used for health care for nonworking Americans. It’s unfair and I say those lazy people don’t deserve health care. Juan also brought up a good point that why are spending so much money on warfare in the Middle East. Then, someone else said that celebrities should pay more on taxes because of their wealth. But that brings up issues such as self profit motive and how democracy works. Mark Arnold, brought up a good question of how is health care being resolved is going to create job oppurtunies? Overall, I thought it was a very good discussion, and I learned much about health care and what issues revolve around it. I also got good view points from my peers.

Tommy To
period 4

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