Friday, February 11, 2011

State Of The Union Project

1. Fair - be fair every time don’t cheat.
2. Change – I want a change that will help me to have a better life in the future
3. Success –I want to be successful in life and have a wonderful family
4. Financial - I wish I can buy anything for my family to get that, I need to work hard
5. President - give them a chance, and trust them
6. Trust - trust yourself and trust the people around you
7. Respect - respect everyone if you want them to respect you

8. Children - they will be the next generation
9. Progress-key to be successful
10. Money - I will need money everywhere I go
11. Future - I wish there will be a better future and better opportunity for me.
12. Love - PEACE

13. Job: I really need a job and I hope Obama's plans will help my generation get jobs easier.
14. College - This is very important to me because I will be a college student in the Fall of 2011 and I don't have much money to spend on my tuition.

15. Pray - I need to pray and believe and have faith in God
16. Health - wish to have a good health
17. Earth - Needs to save the earth

18. Seniors – HEALTHCARE
19. Hard work - I need to work hard till I get what I want

20. Family - who always there for me

21. Technology - helps me do things easier.

22. Power - I will have this in the future.
Students - needs to do their thing, be on time and do their work.
23. Race - no more to racism

24. Iraq - stop the war
25. Affordable - The President said the healthcare will be affordable.

26. Insurance - I will need this for the rest of my life but i wish they will be fair to us

27. Health Care - I will need this in the future and will help my family)Positive - think positive and keep your head teacher - second parents.

28. Relationship - someone who’s going to be there for you
29. Responsibility - is to be a better person and better son and brother

30. Beliefs - that there’s a miracle
31. America - where I live and want to live

32. Goal - is to finish high school get my diplomat and go to college

33. God - is my savior
34. Hopeful –I need to trust our government

35. Faith - I need to have faith and keep my head up
36. Kids - they will be the next generation.
37. Troops - PRAY FOR THEM

38. Peace - PEACE
39. Years - Obama uses the word years many times in his speech. This tells me that we won't start seeing progress for over a year.

40. Solution: It is hard to believe that we will ever have a bipartisan solution for anything, but we need to. No one ever agrees on anything, especially this generation.

41. Learning - I need to learn everything and have enough ideas about life
42. Economy - Wish everything will be alright

43. Freedom - people needs their freedom
44. Moral - I have to have a good moral so people around me will show respect to me.
45. Ready - Be ready to anything could happen

46. Difficult - life is difficult
47. Education - will help me to reach my goal

48. Technology- American life style.
49. Entrepreneurs- Ideas
50. Immigration- Is what America’s foundation is based on.

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