Monday, February 28, 2011

At least 16 killed in Brazilian pre-Carnival party

On a sunday night in Bandeira several died because of power line burst over a party truck, electrocuting many. They it may be caused by people throwing coiled party ribbon into the air. The ribbon may have had a metallic element to it, officials said. Sixteen people were declared dead at the scene, and those injured were transported to hospitals in critical condition. I just find this ironic because they probably came to the festival with the intention to have fun and live their life but died while enjoying it.

"At Least 16 Killed in Brazilian Pre-Carnival Party -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 28 Feb. 2011.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deaths of baby dolphins worry scientists

 Baby bottlenose dolphins are washing up dead in record numbers on the shores of Alabama and Mississippi, alarming scientists and a federal agency charged with monitoring the health of the Gulf of Mexico. Scientist have yet to discovered the reason why they are dying but they are saying it might be from algal bloom or change in water temperature.

Kuo, Vivian. "Deaths of Baby Dolphins Worry Scientists -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 25 Feb.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Obama condemns Libyan violence, calls for international response

On wednesday night Barrack Obama said that the violence in Libya must stop. Obama is saying that the government of Libya must be hold accountable. He wants the government to protect the innocent citizen there and his first priority is American citizens. "This is now the moment for the international community to act together," Clinton said.

My reflection to this is that these kind of events help me realize that America is a great country because we have much freedom compared to others.

Levine, Adam. "Obama Condemns Libyan Violence, Calls for International Response -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 23 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Class Discussion about Ground Zero

I thought the class discussion went well. Many good points were brought up that helped me get a different perspective on the situation. At first I was more against it because of the fact of why that location? But toward the end I chose to be in the middle. I think that people have to be really open minded about these type of issues. For instance, if it was built then there is bound to be some sort of problem but if we didn't allow them then America would not be America. You could play the "what if" game all day that's why I changed my mind to being in the middle. I think it was Alex who brought up a good point about how there was a mosque built near the twin towers before 9/11 happened and is still there, but no one cares about that one. I think it's just the fact of building the mosque after the event is like a slap to many Americans. Many American's are agianst it, even muslim people don't favor it but now I say, just let them build it if they want. They have freedom of religion and America is all about freedom. The media made a big deal out of it so that's why people are so parnoid. Even though I disagree with building it, I say go ahead because if we don't let them build it, then in a way the real terrorist would have won.

Friday, February 11, 2011

State Of The Union Project

1. Fair - be fair every time don’t cheat.
2. Change – I want a change that will help me to have a better life in the future
3. Success –I want to be successful in life and have a wonderful family
4. Financial - I wish I can buy anything for my family to get that, I need to work hard
5. President - give them a chance, and trust them
6. Trust - trust yourself and trust the people around you
7. Respect - respect everyone if you want them to respect you

8. Children - they will be the next generation
9. Progress-key to be successful
10. Money - I will need money everywhere I go
11. Future - I wish there will be a better future and better opportunity for me.
12. Love - PEACE

13. Job: I really need a job and I hope Obama's plans will help my generation get jobs easier.
14. College - This is very important to me because I will be a college student in the Fall of 2011 and I don't have much money to spend on my tuition.

15. Pray - I need to pray and believe and have faith in God
16. Health - wish to have a good health
17. Earth - Needs to save the earth

18. Seniors – HEALTHCARE
19. Hard work - I need to work hard till I get what I want

20. Family - who always there for me

21. Technology - helps me do things easier.

22. Power - I will have this in the future.
Students - needs to do their thing, be on time and do their work.
23. Race - no more to racism

24. Iraq - stop the war
25. Affordable - The President said the healthcare will be affordable.

26. Insurance - I will need this for the rest of my life but i wish they will be fair to us

27. Health Care - I will need this in the future and will help my family)Positive - think positive and keep your head teacher - second parents.

28. Relationship - someone who’s going to be there for you
29. Responsibility - is to be a better person and better son and brother

30. Beliefs - that there’s a miracle
31. America - where I live and want to live

32. Goal - is to finish high school get my diplomat and go to college

33. God - is my savior
34. Hopeful –I need to trust our government

35. Faith - I need to have faith and keep my head up
36. Kids - they will be the next generation.
37. Troops - PRAY FOR THEM

38. Peace - PEACE
39. Years - Obama uses the word years many times in his speech. This tells me that we won't start seeing progress for over a year.

40. Solution: It is hard to believe that we will ever have a bipartisan solution for anything, but we need to. No one ever agrees on anything, especially this generation.

41. Learning - I need to learn everything and have enough ideas about life
42. Economy - Wish everything will be alright

43. Freedom - people needs their freedom
44. Moral - I have to have a good moral so people around me will show respect to me.
45. Ready - Be ready to anything could happen

46. Difficult - life is difficult
47. Education - will help me to reach my goal

48. Technology- American life style.
49. Entrepreneurs- Ideas
50. Immigration- Is what America’s foundation is based on.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday could be a pivotal day in Egyptian drama

(The protesters appeared content to wave flags and chant a safe distance from the soldiers and their barbed wire. As the night dragged toward its eventual end, the numbers dwindled.
Other protesters remained in the square, where they showed their defiance by simply lying down on the streets and sidewalks under blankets for a massive "sleep in." Many of the protesters said they were overnighting in the square for the first time, despite Suleiman's call for them to return to their homes)

The egyptian president wants to change five of the constitutional articles. Protestors were angered and began protesting.

"Friday Could Be a Pivotal Day in Egyptian Drama -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Napolitano: terror threat may be highest since 9/11

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told members of Congress that America has never been in more risk of a terrorist attack since 9/11. There is increase of recruiting westerner to terrorist orginizations.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby clings to life after being abandoned in S.C. arena toilet

A baby boy is clinging to life at a South Carolina hospital, three days after being abandoned in an arena toilet after a circus show. Cops look at cameras to identify who the mother was but no luck. It will be hard to figure out who baby it is because 50,000 plus attended the event. Also that the mother gave birth to the child in the bathroom and left him there.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Student killed in shooting near Ohio university

A senior at Ohio's Youngstown State University was killed and 11 others, including six students, were wounded in an off-campus shooting early Sunday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Democracy Can Work in the Middle East,8599,2045888,00.html?cnn=yes

U.S. Diplomat, Frank Wisner met with Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday, Feb. 1 to dicuss about middle east peace. Then the American might gently raise the issue of political reform. Obama pressed the Egyptian leader to refrain from any violent response to the hundreds of thousands in the streets. Whatever happens in the next few days will not change the central narrative of Egypt's revolution. Historians will note that Jan. 25 marked the start of the end of Mubarak's 30-year reign. And now we'll test the theory that politicians and scholars have long debated. Will a more democratic Egypt become a radical Islamic state? Can democracy work in the Arab world?
I believe anything is possible but it will take time for the government to change in Egypt. It will not happen instantly. I don't see how democracy won't work in Egypt. It gives more freedom to the people.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Illegal immigrant population levels off, study says

From 2007 the population for immigrants were 12 million and has dropped ever simce. In 2009, the population dropped to 11.1 million. Recently the numbers has not been changing though. I found this interesting that it said "The study also estimates that in 2010, there were 350,000 children born in the United States to at least one parent who was in the country illegally."

Reflection On Discussion

When health care was discussed in class last week, it gave me a much better perspective or an idea of how huge this issue really is. Many people who spoke gave very good points and views. I found it interesting that even prisoners even have coverage. Also, I found it interesting when Jack said that America spends more money keeping prisoners in jail than they do on education. I like how the class was discussing about how to find solutions on solving America’s debt. Such as, how our money is wasted on professional sports yearly. Or how hard earned money from working U.S, citizens are used for health care for nonworking Americans. It’s unfair and I say those lazy people don’t deserve health care. Juan also brought up a good point that why are spending so much money on warfare in the Middle East. Then, someone else said that celebrities should pay more on taxes because of their wealth. But that brings up issues such as self profit motive and how democracy works. Mark Arnold, brought up a good question of how is health care being resolved is going to create job oppurtunies? Overall, I thought it was a very good discussion, and I learned much about health care and what issues revolve around it. I also got good view points from my peers.

Tommy To
period 4